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WELCOME ​to Advent Lutheran! 

Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here.  We are a Christian community rooted in grace and love.  We celebrate and affirm everyone—regardless of race, gender, sexual identity, or background. As a proud and active ELCA Lutheran Church, we at Advent invite you to join us in our mission: "So all may know Christ's love!"

  • Advent Lutheran Church webpage

Our Traditional Worship is held Sundays at 9:00 AM, all are welcome to watch in our sanctuary or online!


Links to the bulletin, worship videos, and transcribed sermons are uploaded after the service on the 9:00 AM Worship Page


After the 9:00 service, join us for coffee hour.


Sunday School begins Sunday September 15th during the Worship service. 

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What's New:

Easter Worship Service 9:00 am on April 20th in the Sanctuary.  All are welcome.  You can also stream live on


Join us for an Easter potluck brunch after the worship service.



​Lenten Soup Suppers will be held at 6 PM in the Fireside Lounge and Holden Evening Prayer at 7 PM in the Sanctuary every Wednesday from March 12th through April 9th. 


The Maundy Thursday Service will be at 7 PM on April 17th in the Sanctuary.


The Good Friday Service will be at 7 PM on April 18th in the Sanctuary.


All are welcome to join us at services and soup suppers.

The Lenten Outreach Project this year is to collect basic hygiene items to help the clients of
Growing Home, a local food bank. SNAP benefit amounts for impoverished families cannot be
used to purchase hygiene items making these items difficult for them to obtain.
From March 9th until April 13th, there will be collection bins located in the narthex. This is a
great way to help the less fortunate in our community!


Needed Items:

(all items should be full or family size)



Baby Wipes

Bar Soap

Body Wash

Feminine Hygiene





Adult forum with Pastor Beth Graham continues this Sunday through Lent after worship and during coffee hour.  The topic is reflections on the Lord’s Prayer.  This will include small group discussions and a video presentation.  The video presentation is by Dr. James Nestingen who was a Luther Seminary professor of church history.  The video was made during churchwide assembly a number of years ago.  He was the bible study leader for the assembly and he chose to focus on the Lord’s Prayer.  Participants might find him to be wonderfully funny and amazingly profound at the same time.  We hope you can participate as you are able during this series.

Radio Players Spring Performance

The Advent Radio Players will present "Our Miss Brooks - Mother's Day Millinery" and "Burns and Allen - Easter Hat War Council" radio plays on Sunday, March 30th at 2:00 pm in Advent's Sanctuary.


Donations are welcome.


You can also stream live on

Support Advent When You Shop


The rewards program has made a change. You will no longer need to reload your gift card after March 31, 2019. All you need to do is swipe your King Soopers card or put in your linked phone number at checkout and gas pumps. You can use your loaded funds on your gift card until empty but any funds loaded after 3/31 will no longer be credited to Advent.

AS ALWAYS, this program costs you nothing to contribute!

YOU MUST go into your online King Soopers Card account and add Advent to your community rewards selection. This is how you do it!

1. Go to and sign into your account, if you don’t have one, you need to sign up for one.

2. Next select the Savings & Rewards tab and scroll to the community rewards programs. Select Enroll Now 

3. In search bar, type in Advent Lutheran Church, select and now you are enrolled.

4. Now you will see a confirmation that Advent Lutheran Church is your contribution account.



The Council of Advent works to support the Mission of Advent, “So All May Know Christ’s Love.” By: 

  • Ensuring a responsible and trustworthy organization by faithfully doing the business of the congregation. This includes overseeing the business of the church, ethically, responsibly, and with integrity

  • Leading the congregation as representatives of all members, in visioning, long range planning and setting goals and priorities in an open, inviting environment.

  • Ensuring the Constitution of Advent is a living document and is followed and updated as needed. 

  • Supporting and aligning the identified Advent Ministry Initiatives.

  • Providing oversight, monitoring and approving the work of all Committees and our budget and staffing to support the ministry of Advent. 

  • Providing clarification for the congregation on issues that come before Council and the congregation.

  • Council members will be ambassadors and role models for Advent through participation, encouragement, being open, friendly, welcoming, and compassionate.  









7979 Meade St.

Westminster, CO 80030


Monday - Thursday

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Main Line: 303-428-7501

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